Community Spotlight - Anthony Powell, III

Free Spear-It Brand Owner

Hey there, spearos. This is The Stone Shot, your weekly dose of spear content (and maybe some fishing, but we try to keep it below the water line)

It’s the 3rd Thursday of the month! That means it’s time for our monthly Community Spotlight. Here’s what we have for you today:

  • Community Spotlight: Anthony Powell, III

  • Buzzer Beater: Louisiana State Freedive Championship

  • Behind the Brand: Free Spear-It Gear

  • 4 Questions: With Anthony

Community Spotlight

Anthony Powell, III

“I was freediving before I even knew what that meant, chasing tropical fish for our home aquarium.”

Right there. That’s the kind of experience that sticks with us throughout life. Can you imagine being a young kid, catching small tropical fish and bringing them home to an aquarium? It’s no wonder today’s Spotlight has such a deep love and respect for the ocean.

Some Background

Anthony Powell’s passion for the ocean began at an early age.

He first learned to spearfish at about 12 years old during a trip to the Florida Keys for lobster season. From that moment on, he was hooked!

My dad introduced me to the sport when I was just a kid. He grew up in Florida fishing, diving, spearfishing, and later, during his service in the Coast Guard, he had the opportunity to dive in some incredible locations across the Pacific. Those experiences left a lasting impression on him, and naturally, he wanted to share similar adventures with me.

As a military family we moved every few years or so. Switching schools, making new friends, and adjusting to new places wasn’t always easy, but there was one constant in my life - we always lived near the water.

We spent a lot of summers in the Florida Keys, which is where I first learned how to dive. I was freediving before I even knew what that meant - catching spiny lobsters and chasing tropical fish for our home aquarium. But the summer my dad handed me his old AB Biller speargun and taught me how to use it was a turning point. That’s when my passion for spearfishing truly began. I loved the challenge of the hunt, the freedom of being underwater, and it quickly became a central part of my life.

Photo by @cjduffie22

Your Favorite Spearfishing Story

Spearfishing Tournament Buzzer Beater

Spearfishing tournaments aren’t usually filled with nail-biting finishes, but every now and then, something incredible happens. This is one of those moments.

For the past four years, our team has competed in the Louisiana State Freedive Championship, a spearfishing tournament based out of Grand Isle, Louisiana. It's always a blast, with multiple fish categories and plenty of fish to shoot. But this year (2024) was different.

The weather wasn’t cooperating at all. After trailering our boat nine hours from Florida to Biloxi, then running another four hours by boat to Venice, Louisiana, we didn’t even make it out on the water for the first two days. Our entire game plan fell apart. Surrounded by thunderstorms and rough water, we sat inside our houseboat, feeling defeated as our chances of landing a winning fish faded away.

Finally, after two days of nothing, we decided to go for it. Our plan was to hit the bluewater rigs about 50-60 miles offshore in hopes of landing a big tuna, wahoo, or mahi. Armed with our big guns and float lines, we went for it. We saw a large 100+ pound tuna and a few wahoo, but nothing stayed long enough for a shot. After drifting for over eight hours, we landed NOTHING. Here we were, in the fishing capital of the world, and after three days, we had zero to show for it.

On the last day of the tournament, we set out one final time, hoping to salvage the trip. We stuck close to camp since we had to weigh in by 5 PM. We started out the day pretty hot, putting some nice fish in the boat, but based on past tournament results, nothing that would earn us any hardware. About halfway through the day, we hopped in on what seemed like just another standard rig.

On my very first dive, I saw a blurry silhouette of a VERY large fish. At first, I thought it was a big black drum. It wasn’t until I sank down about 5 feet from the top of the fish that I realized it was an absolute monster Cubera Snapper. I stopped kicking, lined up a shot with my 50-inch Daryl Wong, and pulled the trigger. It felt like slow motion as I watched the shaft hit the fish. As if by divine intervention, the fish died instantly - not even a twitch. Even while pulling it to the surface, I was still unaware of just how massive the fish was.

It wasn’t until it was in the boat that we truly realized the scale of the fish I’d just landed. It looked unreal. Needless to say, we made sure to get to the weigh-in, where the fish came in at 96 pounds on a certified scale. It was the largest fish ever weighed in over the tournament's history and the second-largest Cubera in Louisiana freedive history. Let’s just say the beers tasted a little better that night!

Behind the Brand

Free Spear-It

Free Spear-It is a spearfishing clothing brand.

  1. What inspired you to start Free Spear-It, and how did your experiences as a spearfisherman influence the brand’s creation?

“With spearfishing being such a big part of my life, I wanted to create a brand that captures the thrill and freedom of this unique sport. The idea of ‘Free Spear-It’ first came to mind when we were brainstorming names for our boat. It’s a play on the expression ‘free spirit’ and a clever way to combine the words freedive and spearfish.

Later on, during my senior year at college, I started seriously thinking about turning Free Spear-It into an actual brand. Up until then, I had worn t-shirts, hats, etc. from practically every spearfishing brand out there like Speared, Hypoxia, Koah, Riffe, Headhunter and more. I wanted to create my own gear as an expression of the lifestyle and values that come with being a spearo. That’s how Free Spear-It came to life.”

  1. What’s the one message you want every spearo to take away when they wear Free Spear-It clothing?

When someone wears Free Spear-It, I want them to feel a sense of pride and connection. To know they’re part of a community that values freedom, adventure, and respect - respect for the ocean, for the sport, and for each other.

Our gear is more than just something to wear - it’s a way to show that you enjoy the freedive spearfishing lifestyle.

  1. How involved are you in the production process? Are there specific materials or sustainable practices you prioritize?

I’m hands-on with nearly every aspect of Free Spear-It, from the initial design to the final production of our products. As the owner of a newer, growing company, wearing multiple hats is part of the job (pun intended!).

We prioritize using quality materials that not only perform well but also reflect our commitment to sustainability. For example, our UPF 50+ solar shirts are made of eco-friendly fabrics sourced from recycled plastic bottles. Choosing recycled polyester helps cut down on landfill waste and reduce carbon emissions, compared to traditional polyester.

Another one of our sustainable products is our Eco-Coasters, made from recycled neoprene wetsuits. This innovative process not only keeps these discarded materials out of landfills but also turns them into useful products.

We're really pushing to up our game and make Free Spear-It as eco-friendly as possible. Our goal is to keep getting better at it, making sure we're as responsible as we can be.

  1. What have been some of the biggest challenges in building and growing Free Spear-It?

The toughest part has definitely been getting our name out there, establishing a strong brand presence, and making sure people know what we’re all about.

Also, maintaining the balance between keeping our gear affordable without sacrificing on quality has been a challenge. I want everyone to have access to our gear, without cutting corners.

  1. How do you see Free Spear-It evolving in the coming years?

Looking ahead, I see us expanding our product range to include gear designed specifically for freedive spearfishing, such as carbon fiber fins and durable dive gloves. We're also committed to increasing our efforts on the sustainability front.

Ultimately, I see Free Spear-It growing into a globally recognized brand, becoming the go-to choice for spearos everywhere who live and breathe the spearfishing lifestyle!

4 Questions W/ Anthony

Advice for new spearos?

First and foremost, find a solid group of divers who’ve got your back - it’ll not only make your adventures more fun but also much safer. Spearfishing can be unpredictable and having a trusted dive buddy can make all the difference. I’m fortunate that I really do have the best crew! Together we’ve grown as spearos, celebrated milestones, and helped each other to shoot new PB’s.

Safety should always be a top priority. Get certified, stay focused on safety protocols, and never, EVER dive alone.

Spearfishing is a sport that requires patience and respect, both for the environment and the species we pursue. Don't kill every fish on that brand new spot. Pick up that piece of trash floating by. You never know - Mother Nature might just reward you with a big catch one day!

What’s your favorite species to target?

Without a doubt, my favorite species to target is the Black Grouper. The hunt for these fish is incredibly challenging, and I honestly believe they’re some of the smartest fish in the ocean - second only to the Cubera Snapper. They’ve bested me more times than I can count, but landing a big one, especially with a pole spear, is one of the most rewarding feelings a spearo can experience!

Where’s your favorite place to spearfish?

This is a tough question! I’ve been fortunate enough to spearfish in some incredible locations, and I’ve had unforgettable experiences in very different environments - from the off the Pacific coast of Mexico’s Baja peninsula to the murky waters off Louisiana. But if I had to choose, my absolute favorite place to spearfish is the good old 242 - the Bahamas. The crystal-clear water, combined with the incredible diversity of fish - you can hunt everything from grouper and snapper to hogfish. Plus, it’s a quick trip from where I live in Florida, so it’s always a favorite spearfishing destination for me.

How has spearfishing impacted your life?

Spearfishing is more than just a sport for me - it’s a lifestyle that has shaped who I am. It has given me incredible experiences and introduced me to great friends who share the same passion. The sense of escape it offers is unmatched. Being in the water forces me to slow down, focus, and relax in a way that nothing else can.

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That’s it for us! We’ll see you back here in two weeks.

PS - Who do you want to see us interview next? Let us know and we’ll

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