Community Spotlight - Brenden Madigan

A True Adventurer

Hey there, spearos. This is The Stone Shot, your weekly dose of spear content (and maybe some fishing, but we try to keep it below the water line)

It’s the 3rd Thursday of the month! That means it’s time for our monthly Community Spotlight. Here’s what we have for you today:

  • Community Spotlight: Brenden Madigan

  • Trophy Grouper: From A Kayak!

  • 3 Questions: W/ Brenden

Community Spotlight

Brenden Madigan

Out spotlight today is a true adventurer.

He’s a pilot.

He’s a captain.

He dives with sharks.

He’s explored the reefs of the Bahamas.

And now, he’s chasing fish in Kona, Hawaii.

Oh, and he’s a helluva spearo!

Some Background

Growing up in New Jersey, Brenden was all about fishing. He would see videos and photos of spearfishing but didn’t have any way to break into the sport. He always wanted to try but never got the chance.

That is, until he moved to South Florida for college. In his words…

“I went from fishing all the time to diving all the time!”

Your Favorite Spearfishing Story

Trophy From A Kayak

This is why you never take a lay day on a fishing trip…

“I was in the Bahamas with some friends this summer, and everyone wanted to have a chill day—no fishing or diving, just shopping and drinking.

So, my girlfriend and I decided to grab this one-person kayak from behind the house, put it on top of the golf cart, drive it to the other side of the island, and paddle out a mile or two to the reef.

We weren’t expecting anything crazy to happen, but then I saw this 40+ pound black grouper hiding in a cave. All I had was my little sling—no float line, no reel, nothing.

Long story short, I dove down and stoned this thing… then the sharks showed up!

By this time, the sharks were getting crazy aggressive. They were trying to grab the fish, and I had to fight them off. When I got back to the kayak, we quickly realized that if we put the fish on top, there wasn’t enough room for both of us. We decided to throw the fish up to get the blood out of the water, but the sharks were still bumping our fins. I told my girlfriend to get up on the kayak, and then I awkwardly jumped up halfway. Luckily, we were able to paddle and kick our way back to shore with this trophy fish.

It was the biggest one I’ve ever shot with a sling.”

Quick Questions

What has been the most challenging aspect of spearfishing for you, and how did you overcome it?

“I’ve had some pretty crazy run-ins with sharks, and, as you know, everyone in the community has to deal with them—they’re always in the back of everyone’s mind. When I moved out to Hawaii, I actually worked on a shark diving boat as a safety diver, and my knowledge and understanding of sharks grew. Now, I can better predict what they’re going to do and how they’ll act. It definitely gives me more peace of mind out there.”

Advice to new spearo’s?

“Relax your mind and let the fish come to you. When I was first starting out, I used to chase fish around—it’s what everyone does in the beginning. But when you drop down to the bottom, maybe throw some sand, scratch the reef, or make a few grunts, you’ll be amazed at what happens. Fish you never even saw will come over to investigate.

Also, never dive alone!”

What's your favorite species to target and why?

“Grouper in the Bahamas with a Hawaiian sling will always be my favorite. Such a big strong fish and to shoot them with such a primitive weapon and then fight them to the surface is the best feeling. Everyone loves to eat grouper too so that’s a big part of it.”

Daily News for Curious Minds

“I stopped watching the news, so sick of the bias. Was searching for an alternative that would just tell me WHAT happened, with NO editorializing. I found it. It’s called 1440. It assumes you are smart enough to form your own opinions.”

That’s it for us! We’ll see you back here in two weeks.

PS - Who do you want to see us interview next? Let us know and we’ll

Any stories of your own that you'd be willing to tell? Respond to this email and we’ll send over a short questionnaire!

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