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- NEVER Put Freshwater On A Saltwater Fish
NEVER Put Freshwater On A Saltwater Fish
A Saltwater Brine For Cleaning Your Fish

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Hey gang,
Big announcement!
Next week we’re kicking off our first Community Spotlight edition of The Stone Shot with a BANGER.
We’ve interviewed Captain Aaron Young (AKA Key West Waterman, AKA Dibs On Bottom) and asked him the #1 tip that improved his spearfishing, what it’s like living in paradise, how to follow your dreams and more!
Our goal is to do one of these community spotlights a month - let me know who you want us to interview next!
Keep diving,
Hey there, spearos. This is The Stone Shot, your weekly dose of spear content (and maybe some fishing, but we try to keep it below the water line)
Here’s what we have for you today:
Filleting Tip: NEVER do this to saltwater fish
World Record Of The Week: Black grouper
Spear-cation Destination: Negros Island, Philippines
Video: Being stalked by a tiger shark? Shoot it’s cobia!
The Question

How Do You Wash Off A Saltwater Fish At Home?
Throughout my life, I've always been cautioned with the myth, "never let freshwater touch your saltwater fillets."
And I’ve never know if this was actually true or not.
So often times I clean off all the scales and blood by running the fillets under the faucet.
But apparently, like many others, I’ve been doing it all wrong.
Freshwater Ruins Saltwater Fillets: Myth Or Fact?
Saltwater fish fillets absorb freshwater. This compromises the taste, texture and longevity of the fillets.
Additionally, it will absorb any of those chemicals commonly found in tap water (chlorine, fluoride, etc.).
So, how do you wash off these fillets then?
Ice Cold Saltwater Brine
Saltwater fish fillets need to be washed off with saltwater. You could bring a bucket on the boat, fill it up (outside of the marina) and carry it home. Or you could make a simple saltwater brine.
Here’s what you’ll need:
A bucket big enough to fit your fillets in
A lot of salt
Tap water
The Correct Ratio
Start with the salt. Add enough so that it doesn’t completely dissolve when water is added, but if there's leftover salt in the bottom of the bucket afterward, you’ve added too much.
It’s a fine balance.
Once you find this balance. Add ice. About a 1:1 ratio of ice to water.
It should be properly cold. The mixture of ice water and salt will actually be colder than ice alone.
Now you’re ready to clean off those fillets! Make sure you pat them dry before cooking or freezing.
Shoutout to Reed The Fishmonger for teaching the world about the best filleting practices 🙌🏽
World Record Of The Week
Black grouper

Weight: 97.4lbs / 44.2kg
Spearo: Wesley James Skinner
Location: United States
Date Speared: Feb 18, 2017
We found the spot on the trip before but had never dove it. We headed out to the spot on Friday night and fished with rod and reels that night and caught a lot of snapper - so we knew it had to have good bottom.
We put a spot marker out and started up current and made a drift back toward the spot. I dove down and saw a couple mutton snapper looking up at me, maybe 30' off of the bottom. They were very curious. So I kept going deeper, planning on shooting a mutton, but then I saw the massive black grouper come up off to the bottom. It was actually swimming towards me.
I get about 10' from the grouper and squeeze the trigger - hitting him right behind the gill. I put the reel of the gun in free spool and made it to the surface. Then I start putting a lot of pressure on him because I didn't want him to get into a hole. He came up very easily after his first hard run and I called for the boat to give me another gun as I pulled him closer.
They handed me my little reef gun and I quickly loaded it and shot the grouper in the head. It was all smiles after that. I handed him up to the caption and he pulled it in the boat.
Spear-cation Destination
Negros Island, Philippines

Today, we’re in the Sulu Sea talking with our friend Boom Anderson about what it’s like spearing around Negros Island. He tells us:
Negros Island is home to a wide variety of fish species, making it a prime location for spearfishing. Our place is one of the top diving and spearfishing site in Asia.

The best time of year for spearfishing here is the summer (june-sep). We enjoy going out at night and using 75-90cm guns to hunt needle fish.
It’s important to note that if you are traveling to the Philippines for spearfishing, you shouldn’t go too far north of Palawan. The area has a long history of dynamite fishing and has unfortunately thinned the fishery in these locations.
Target Species: Grouper, Rainbow Runners, Big Eye Bream, Emporers, and more!
If you’re in Dumaguete, Philippines, check out Boom’s dive shop Scuba And Spearfishing Gear!
When Aric Greene turned around, he noticed he was being stalked by a tiger shark…So what’d he do?
Shot the 40lb cobia on it’s back!
That’s it for us! We’ll see you back here next week.
PS - We’re in the search for great spearfishing stories. This could be crazy experiences in the water, unique spearing methods or exotic spearfishing trips.
Any stories of your own that you'd be willing to tell? Respond to this email and we’ll send over a short questionnaire!
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